Salient features from continuing operations
- Strong financial performance and good progress on Group strategy implementation
- Revenue up 12.6% to R11.5 billion (2020: R10.3 billion)
- Underlying operating profit (EBIT) improved by 56.2% to R948 million (2020: R607 million)
- Underlying earnings per share (EPS) up 93.2% to 360 cents (2020: 186 cents)
- Share buy-back returned R257 million to shareholders (2020: returned R88 million)
- Final dividend declared of 50 cents per share (cps), returning a further R74 million to shareholders (2020: nil cents per share)
- Return on capital employed (ROCE) increased to 17.8% (2020: 11.4%)
- Mpact Operations retained its Level 1 B-BBEE rating