
Mpact’s values commit us to being resolute, trustworthy and responsible in everything we do.

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Home / Sustainability / Our approach

Our approach

The principles of good governance are embedded in the business through our governance framework, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the organisation. We regard safe working practices and environmental and social sustainability as critical aspects of business excellence.

Responsibility for sustainability

The Board has overall responsibility for the Group’s performance as a good and responsible corporate citizen. Monitoring and oversight of sustainability is delegated to the Social and Ethics Committee, while our Code of Ethics and the relevant policies and procedures establish the framework within which the Group manages its overall business and provides guidance for employees, suppliers and partners to ensure a cooperative, coordinated approach. These policies and procedures cover safety, health, environment and energy, transformation, procurement, human resources, financial management, maintenance and other relevant areas.

Material matters

We identify our material matters by reviewing a range of internal and external sources, which includes the risk assessment process, our engagements with primary stakeholders, operational issues, management interviews, and developments in legislation.

Matters that are raised through our stakeholder engagement process are assessed in terms of the stakeholder’s influence, legitimacy, and urgency.

Our material matters fall under four topics:

  • Sustainable profitable growth
  • Being a responsible employer
  • Cost competitiveness and anticipating and meeting customer needs
  • Being a resposible corporate citizen

More information on these matters is available in the 2023 Sustainability Report.

Stakeholder engagement

We engage with primary stakeholders regularly to understand their concerns and identify ways in which to address the social, economic, and environmental challenges they and the Group face. The information from these engagements informs our strategy discussions, strengthens our community programmes, and identifies risks, opportunities, and material matters. This helps us comply with the Companies Act and King IV™.

Information on these engagements is available in the 2023 Sustainability Report.

UN SDGs to which we contribute

The Group assesses its operational and sustainable development processes as well as its CSI initiatives against 17 of the UN SDGs, deemed relevant to the Group.

Progress against our UN SDG targets is available in the 2023 Sustainability Report.