• Growing together,

    our circular business model for a sustainable future

  • Circular thinking,

    for a greener tomorrow

  • Circular thinking,

    leading the change toward sustainability

  • Net zero conscious,

    sustainable energy generation

  • Our circular

    business model,

    beyond us, beyond packaging

  • Driving a true

    circular economy

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Last traded on 15 Jan 2025 at 17:00

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Mpact’s operational business units

The Group has invested in innovation over the years to build and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage based on research, development and technical support.

Our award winning products

Sustainability at Mpact

In numbers

B-BBEE contributor status on the new Codes at the operating company level

Level 1

(2021: Level 1)

Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for manufacturing operations

0.867 tCO2e/t*

(2021: 0.906 tCO2e/t)

Water consumption for manufacturing operations


(2021: 627,028 tonnes)

Energy consumption for manufacturing operations


(2021: 6.38 GJ/t)

Recovered recyclables

716,076 tonnes

(2021: 627,028 tonnes)


Mpact Foundation Trust bursaries, awarded to dependants of previously disadvantaged Mpact employees, since inception

CSI spend


(2021: R11.8m)

Serious injury frequency rate


per 200,000 man-hours worked

(2021: 0.58)

Skills development programmes offered to employees

3,380 employees

(2021: 3,075 employees)

Apprenticeships and learnerships


individuals supported, of whom 222 are from previously disadvantaged backgrounds

(2021: 182 individuals)

Training and skills development

54,506 man-hours

(2021: 38,311)

Black unemployed disabled youth trained

50 individuals

(2021: 50)

Our stories
  • Waste management